Saturday, April 23, 2011

Another day in search of a bath

Another sunny day morning. I was going to use that as the title but apparently titles cant have strike-though letters...


Anyway I woke up to most of the windows in the house all fogged over.Turns out the fog was on the outside. It's warm and humid (80%) and the house is so cold that the out side of all the windows (except the "warm room") frosted over.

I thought I would open everything up and warm up the place. That might have been a mistake since just about every surface instantly had condensation on it...

But I figure if I let it air long enough it should balance out and dry up. One can hope anyway.

I cleaned out the garage gutters which were full to over flowing with compost. In fact there were a few plants that had taken root up there. But it looks better and maybe the rain coming will wash them out.


The beast has been grazing all morning and after helping clean the gutters needed to relax.


I should drop by the Eastern Market today just because. But the big quest is to get to this hot tub place I found and soak the last week off. I hope they have a shower or I may leave a ring.

I also found a cool recourse. Habitat for Humanity has retail outlets! That are open to the public.

** side note there have been a stack load of fire trucks flying by out side. They don't seem to be stopping close by but??? Considering how understaffed the DFD is it must be a fairly big deal to get this many heading to the same place. **

Back to HfH. They sell all kinds of stuff at a big discount. Nothing is regularly stocked so you have to hunt often if your looking for something specific but still.

This may be a solution to the electric stove also since they just started selling tested and guaranteed appliances. And they will take old ones so maybe a good place to dump the old electric stove, space wasting dishwasher and electric water heater (seriously... Don't know what those guys were thinking.

Well off to soak, I hope.

O'h one other weird thing I have found is that almost no companies have web sites out here. Big ones and chains yes but hardly any local shops. I'm so used in the Bay Area to checking a places web site to see if they really are likely to have what I want. I can see some places not having one but none of the local computer stores have a web site! Gives one pause.

OK now I'm really gone.

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